
Any news from our favourite co-pilot?

Previously, in Pompes Grosclaude news: The company decided to invest in motor sports

Vacuum Drum Filter Pumps

In this article read about a SKID created by the Pompes Grosclaude team thanks to two Ex109/2X pumps for vacuum extraction.

Maintenance and Repair

An inexperienced person is more likely to HURT himself and to further damage the pump.

Block release training, a helping hand for companies

Pompes Grosclaude is investing in our young people. As a very small company, it is up to us to tread carefully in the market…

A solution for pumping 98% Nitric Acid

Nitric acid is a clear, light yellow liquid chemical compound that is highly corrosive and harmful to human health.

Rally team sponsor

To celebrate the 2017 New Year, Pompes Grosclaude is investing in motor sport as a sponsor!

Regulate the throughput of centrifugal pumps

La solution pour réguler le débit d’une pompe centrifuge, consiste à intégrer à la pompe, un moteur à vitesse variable.